Sayur Lodeh Gondes. A coconut vegetable stew which is very popular in Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia. Try this recipe for Lontong Sayur Lodeh where the rice cakes are cooked with vegetables in a coconut milk-based soup.
Yuk belajar lagi cara membuat bumbu lodeh kluwih, terong campur tempe. Meskipun sayur lodeh terbilang sederhana tetapi rasanya begitu menggugah selera. As long as you have the ingredients to prepare the.
The Indonesian version is different from the Malaysian and Singaporean.
Try this recipe for Lontong Sayur Lodeh where the rice cakes are cooked with vegetables in a coconut milk-based soup.
Walaupun kelihatannya memang masakan jadul dan ketinggalan jaman, tetapi sampai saat. Like its cousin, sayur asem, sayur lodeh has no fixed rules on which vegetables to use. Kali ini kami membuat sayur lodeh ikan sepat spesial yang beda dari biasanya.