Sayur Lodeh Kuning. Meskipun sayur ini terbilang cukup sederhana tetapi rasanya begitu menggugah selera. Try this recipe for Lontong Sayur Lodeh where the rice cakes are cooked with vegetables in a coconut milk-based soup.
Sebagai makanan khas Jawa, ini adalah Membuat Sayur Lodeh. Originally a Malay dish, this curry vegetable stew is now enjoyed by the different races of Singapore. Try this recipe for Lontong Sayur Lodeh where the rice cakes are cooked with vegetables in a coconut milk-based soup.
You can see below link for more details.
Sayur Lodeh Labu Kuning— TAHUKAH KAMU?
To cut a long story short, some mainland Chinese with a What was my Sayur Lodeh like? Tumis Bumbu Putih hingga harum, tambahkan air dan bumbu-bumbu yang lain kemudian panaskan dengan api sedang. Jika kita amati, sayur lodeh memiliki dua varian kuah, yaitu kuning dan putih.