Sayur Lodeh Mentah. Common ingredients are young unripe jackfruit, eggplant, chayote, melinjo beans and leaves, long beans, green chili pepper. Sayur lodeh khas Jawa Timur. foto: Instagram/@r.megasarindi.
Sayur lodeh khas Jawa Timur. foto: Instagram/@r.megasarindi. Kemudian rebus hingga mendidih dan tahu. Memasak sayur lodeh tidak harus kok menggunakan bahan yang terlampau banyak.
As long as you have the ingredients to prepare the.
Assalamualaikum teman teman,,,, Kali ini aku ingin berbagi resep sederhana yaitu sayur lodeh tempe tahu mentah.
Sayur Lodeh - Malaysian Vegetable Curry (Crock Pot). by Aussie-In-California. Sayur Lodeh is vegetable coconut stew in Malay. Try this recipe for Lontong Sayur Lodeh where the rice cakes are cooked with vegetables in a coconut milk-based soup.